Sports Bookmaker

Oddsmakers in the era before online sportsbooks used to place emphasis on their own unique power ratings across different sports. How precisely these ‘power ratings’ were created still remains a mystery, as the bookmaking. Sports Betting Using Boku Bookmakers. February 4, 2021. Boku wagering web sites are online or mobile bookmakers that enables you to include money and bet phone bill credit that is using. So you’re in luck, as we have managed to locate the select few that allow sports.

The two most important activities that you should do when learning on how to become a bookie are learning how to acquire players and signing up with a pay per head service like to take your players’ bets automatically with our betting software.

If you are in college and thinking about becoming a bookie, click here to see how a student took bets to pay off his college debts

The bottom line in bookmaking business is: is legal for American sports bettors, and while the United States’ online gambling laws can get somewhat tricky for those lacking a law degree (and even for most that have one) BookMaker accepts US bettors from every state.

The more action you write, the more money you make. You will always want to add what you believe are solid players, not only to expand your business, but also to replace those customers who have proven to be bad debt or simply have been worn down by the house advantage.

Understanding that the customer who wagers only $100 a game will lose $3,000 to $4,000 over the course of any given season should give you plenty of incentive to hit the bricks. If you use your time wisely, reaching a customer base of 200 or so (a little better than average) should be no problem.

Getting new players is not as simple as advertising in the newspaper or sticking fliers on the windshields of cars when becoming a bookie. Nor can you just go out to the backyard, shake the customer tree, and watch them start falling to the ground.

European sports bookmakers

Steps to become a bookie:

  1. Learn about the business from blogs and experienced people
  2. Find players
  3. Partner with another bookie so that you both win
  4. Get a great Pay Per Head Bookie Software
  5. Start running and managing your business

What you have on your side, however, is word of mouth.

“I won $3,000 from my bookie this weekend, and he paid me in full at 10:00 A.M. Tuesday.” If enough co-workers and room mates and drinking buddies hear that, they are sure to say, “Hey, you think you could get me on with your bookie?”

The best thing you can do to expand your client list is continue to treat the customers you already have with respect, courtesy, and professionalism-and to always pay in full, on time, and in cash.

People like to talk, especially when they just spent their lunch break picking up a sack of money, and if all the talk about you is similar to that above, you will have no problems adding new players.

What if you are starting out with no customers? There are still ways to maximize returns on your efforts. The first step to becoming a bookie is to understand the basic truth that gamblers know other gamblers.

Think back to the first time you talked to a bookmaker. Didn’t you know somebody who was gambling and he set you up’? Or were you in the employee break room when one of your co-workers had a sports page out and was checking the lines? Nothing has changed since that time, except that gambling has become more popular than ever.

Should you open shop?

If you are considering opening your own sportsbook operation, odds are you know people who gamble on sports. Some of them are probably looking for a new outlet to wager. I always told potential customers who already had a bookie that if they would try me just one weekend, they would never go back to their previous bookie, and in the 8 1/2 years I was in the business, none ever did.

If you follow the guidelines on this page and conduct your business based on the information here, you will create many ex-customers for other bookies around your city.

You can start a football season with as few as 10 customers, and by the time bowl season has arrived, word of mouth recommendation should swell your pay sheet to 50 or 60.

At that level, even if the customers are small time, you should be employing an office clerk and a fax clerk while still leaving yourself a profit of $100,000 or so for six months of semi-work. Another way to increase customers as a bookie is to spend your leisure time where gamblers spend their leisure time.

But… Is It legal?

Here is a list for places where land-based Sportsbooks are legal. Also, remember that some states have started to loosen up regulations as well.

  • Aruba
  • Australia
  • Bahamas
  • Belgium
  • Canada
  • China
  • Costa Rica
  • Dominican Republic
  • Ecuador
  • France
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • Hong Kong
  • Indonesia
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Macau
  • Malaysia
  • Mexico
  • Netherlands
  • Nicaragua
  • Panama
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • South Korea
  • Switzerland
  • Taiwan
  • Thailand
  • US
  • Turkey
  • UK
  • United Arab Emirates

Basic truth number two:

Golfers love to gamble.

Whether it is a $1-a-hole or $500-for-closest-to-the-pin wager, money changes hands when buddies get together on the links. Visit a golf warehouse or discount store, and the clerk there should be able to provide you with the names of several local private clubs you can join.

Many have stipulations that you have to be sponsored by a current member of the club, but some don’t. Find one where the membership fee is only $1,000 or so, plus monthly dues, and join. Besides improving your golf game (never a bad thing), being a member of the club will allow you to meet the other members of the club. Whether it is on the fairway or in the clubhouse, most of these men will enjoy a friendly wager from time to time.

You should be discreet when divulging how you make your living, but a cell phone call from a cart while the other three are deciding which club to use will start the conversation. Being proficient at spades, hearts, gin, etc., will also provide you the chance to meet other gamblers at the club.

Many older gentlemen go to the club every day to do nothing other than sit in the pro shop or locker room playing poker for eight or ten hours. Be friendly, be discreet, and, before long, you will be taking action.

The same basic truth (loving to gamble) applies to most guys who play tennis, but many actually participate in that sport for health benefits, and that is not our focus here.


Looking for more customers? Select a few bars in different parts of your city and become a regular. This does not mean you also become an alcoholic, as ginger ale or cranberry juice is usually what I order. (Trust me when I say that getting a DUI is not a fun thing, and it is even less so when the arresting officer sees that you have a hundred copies of the official betting schedule in your backseat. That’s what law enforcement refers to as a “clue.” But back to bars.)

When we say select a few “bars,” I am not talking about a T.G.I. Fridays or Chilis. I am talking about real bars. You know, the kind where when you walk in you can’t see anything for a minute or two until your eyes adjust. Real bars don’t have 143 televisions. They usually have one above the bar and one in the back room where the card tables are.

Find a few establishments like this and you have also just found a couple more customers. Go in, sit at the bar, and begin watching television. When you curse a basketball player for missing a free throw when his team is up by 17, the gamblers in the joint will know why you are upset. Most likely, they will be the ones to bring up sports wagering. “Who ya’ got?” is a common opener. When you reply, “I’ve got something on every team,” the conversation is started, and pretty soon you have another reason to visit the bar.

Partnering With Another Bookie

Probably the best way to get a lot of customers on your ledger in one motion is an arrangement where another bookie becomes a “sub-book” to you. It works like this:

Almost without exception, small to mid-size bookies will shut down after the NCAA basketball tournament is over and not reopen until football season starts in August. You should have no problem finding a player who, toward the end of basketball season, is looking for a new place to play so that he can bet on baseball.

The truly amateur bookie will think only of adding one new customer and, while taking on the new guy, will promise not to tell his regular bookie that he has gone somewhere else. What you should be doing in situations like this is not only have him tell his regular bookie about you, but ask that he put you in touch with his regular bookie.

At this point, you can present a no-risk offer to the bookie who is planning to stop taking action for a while. What you propose is that he tell all his current customers that he will be shutting down for baseball, but that if any of them want to get action on the games, he can recommend someone who is staying open.

Explain to the bookie that you will keep a separate record of whatever money, as a group, his customers wind tip collecting as a net winner or paying as a net loser. If they finish the season on the plus side (they won’t), you will pay out every penny. If they finish the season on the negative side (they will), you and he will split the profits 50-50.

All he has to do is meet with you each Tuesday morning to get the figures and then go pay or collect from the guys he put on. It will cost him nothing. He will have to do almost no work. He will make money.

Make sure the bookie realizes that in no way are you trying to snake his customers, just make money for both of you. He is planning on being closed anyway and, if he does it his way, he makes zero dollars for the summer.

Do it your way and he makes many dollars for the summer. Abiding by that agreement will, at the very least, be a money maker for a few months for you and the other bookie (now a “sub-book” to you). What normally happens is the bookie (a lazy creature by nature) will realize that he made a bucket of money for working one day a week, and when August creeps over the hill, will suggest that you two continue the arrangement.

Do this once a year and you will be extremely wealthy. You know the best part of this deal? With the extra money you get from this sub-book’s customers, you will be able to more than pay for another clerk, and now you won’t be working every day, either.

Becoming a member of a VFW or Eagle’s lodge or similar organization is another fantastic way to grow your bookie business. I had been a bookie for seven years when I joined one just north of Atlanta, and within two days, they had taught me new ways to gamble on sports. The bartender was the guy at the lodge who organized all the betting there, and he was confused by it, more than anything else.

He was happy when someone came along offering to help. “Helping” quickly turned into I had 53 new customers as a result of paying my $200 initiation fee. Besides being served semi-warm beer and having to listen to much more Hank Jr. than I ever knew existed, there was little downside to it.

Finally, I have acquired customers in a variety of other ways. Bookies have died, gone semi-legit, gotten married, gotten scared, or gone to jail (nongambling-related charge).

Hell, one buddy of mine decided that having to work three hours a day was just too much for him. For whatever the reason, if you can beat the bushes and open with even 10 or 12 guys, you will have 50 before you know it.

At that point, you are making a decent enough chunk of change to hire a clerk to work with your pay per head software service. You can then justify making him work all the shifts by himself, as you are out “recruiting new customers”.

Once you have built up a list, the next move is to acquire the correct software to automate taking the bets and the other every stuff that comes with being a bookie. For that please read on the best sportsbook software to use and the advantages of using a PPH service like RealBookies

If you are a beginer, right now you are wondering where to start acquiring the knowledge that will allow you to thrive in the Bookie Business, start with the Bookmaking Essentials course at Bookie Academy.

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Sports Bookmaker

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Bookmaker is one of the oldest gambling sites in the world. The history of the company goes back to 1985 (its first betting site opened in 1996), and nowadays is known as one of the most legitimate U.S.-friendly gambling operations.

Bookmaker is best-known for its sportsbook, but the site also features an online casino (powered by Digital Gaming Solutions) and an online poker room (runs on the second most popular US poker network called Winning Poker). The majority of their customers, however, are there specifically because of the sports betting. They offer one of the top choices for sportsbooks in all of US Betting.

Below we take a completely unbiased look at and tell you exactly what we thought including the good and the bad. Anything that we felt you needed to know, we tried to cover in this review.

What’s Good

Early Lines

Bookmaker’s tagline is “Where the Line Originates” and for a good reason: they’re generally the first site to post betting lines for baseball, basketball, football and other American sports. (Bookmaker’s biggest competitor, Bovada, is known for being one of the slowest sites to post lines.)

Track Record

As mentioned above, the roots of this betting site go back around 30 years, and they’ve been online for almost 20 years. They’ve gone through multiple changes in ownership and customers have been directed from one domain to another, yet they’ve never had significant delays in payout times or such. Bookmaker’s customers have always been able to rely on getting paid.

Professionals Are Welcome

The second major difference between Bookmaker and Bovada is their stances regarding professional bettors (or those who take betting more seriously and actively look for +EV opportunities). Bookmaker welcomes all types of players from recreational bettors to professionals, while Bovada favours recreational players and actually shows different betting lines for educated bettors (they may also lower maximum betting limits for skilled bettors to something like $1 or $10).

High Maximum Betting Limits

Bookmaker not only gives every customer a chance to bet the same amount of money regardless of their level of skill, but their maximum betting limits are high to begin with.

What’s Bad

Slow(ish) Payouts

While has a strong history of delivering payouts, the time it takes for them to deliver payouts is longer than their biggest competitors, like Bovada and BetOnline (these two sites deliver check payouts in around a week; it takes around a month for Bookmaker to do the same).

Sports bookmakers uk

Payout Fees

While Bovada allows one free check payout per month, Bookmaker charges $50 per check payout. If you’re dealing with amounts of less than thousands of dollars, this charge takes a relatively big chunk out of your withdrawal amount. (You can use BetPoints to purchase free payouts, but then again that doesn’t equal free since the points can also be converted to cash and merchandise.)

Sharp Lines

While is known for posting lines early, they’re rarely the best lines you’ll be able to bet on. So while Bookmaker doesn’t shy away from professional bettors and the like, they can afford not to due to offering sharp lines.



Bookmaker charges zero fees for processing deposits unlike some other top US gambling sites like BetOnline (6% per deposit) and Bovada (4.9% per deposit).

You’ll find all’s U.S. eligible deposit options below along with minimum and maximum deposit limits for each deposit method:


Bookmaker offers a double-edged sword for its U.S. customers: a long, strong history of delivering payouts on-time, but on the other hand, relatively slow check payout times (around 3 weeks) and a $50 fee for check payouts.

You’ll find’s U.S. eligible payout options below along with information on minimum and maximum withdrawals limits and fees. In addition to these methods, Bookmaker also allows debit card withdrawals for regulars (contact their customer support to find out more):


Deposit Bonus

First-time depositors get a 50% bonus up to $300 (in other words, you get the maximum bonus by depositing $600). Wagering requirements are 10x for sports betting and 40x for casino players.

All deposit methods except for Neteller qualify for the bonus.

To qualify for the deposit bonus, you must enter the bonus code found here when making the deposit. If you’d rather not use the bonus offer (and therefore avoid having to complete any wagering requirements in order to withdraw your winnings), just leave the bonus code field empty when depositing.

VIP Program


Bookmaker’s VIP/Rewards Program is called BetPoints Rewards. The more you play, the more BetPoints you accumulate and the higher you place in the VIP system. The higher your VIP level, the higher the rate you accumulate BetPoints with.

You can use BetPoints to:

  • Convert them into cash.
  • Purchase gift cards, frequent flyer points or merchandise.
  • Initiate free cashouts.

By depositing $300+, you automatically qualify for the Gold level, and by depositing $900+, you automatically qualify for the Platinum level. To get to the Diamond level, you need to earn 300,000 BetPoints in a 12-month period, which then gives you an access to VIP customer service, 2 free debit payouts per month and the highest rate of accumulation for BetPoints.


Bookmaker is known for publishing betting lines early (a positive thing) but it’s also known for offering sharp lines (a negative thing). You’ll likely find betting lines for whatever games you want to bet on earlier at Bookmaker than at any other site, but then again, the odds are likely worse than what some other sites are going to offer a few days later.

High-stakes bettors can go to town at Bookmaker, considering their Thursday-to-Sunday betting limits for NFL sides ($50,000), totals ($20,000) and moneylines ($20,000). NBA has smaller limits ($10,000 and $5,000), as well as NHL ($5,000). The minimum betting limits for all sports and leagues is $1.

To my knowledge, has the highest betting limits out of all US-friendly gambling sites. All of the limits can likely be negotiated even higher by contacting their customer support.

Sports Bookmakers Australia

Bookmaker provides a strong selection of games and betting options for its US customers. Football, basketball, baseball, hockey, tennis and golf markets are all heavily covered.

They cover soccer to a decent extent as well with betting lines for 13 soccer leagues around the world:

As mentioned, this site is heavily focused on American betting markets, which is one of the reasons I recommend other options for customers outside of the US). I recommend 5Dimes for US customers looking to bet on foreign markets.

Still, I consider a top-5 sportsbook for Americans.

Join Bookmaker Today!


Bookmaker’s casino software is powered by Digital Gaming Solutions. It features all the usual games you’ll find on any casino (blackjack, roulette, craps, video poker, etc.) and a decent range of slot machines.

Certified Fair Gambling audits the casino software on a monthly basis. You can find monthly reports of the audits at which include payout percentages. They look good – on the surface, at least – but as I attempted to research on Certified Fair Gambling, their website was offline.

You can play at Bookmaker Casino with mobile devices as well, although the selection of mobile casino games is much smaller. Still, it features all the “classics” – blackjack, roulette, slots and the like – and is likely a sufficient option for most mobile gamblers.


Bookmaker Poker is a part of the second most popular U.S. poker network (Winning Poker, formerly known as Yatahay Poker) and therefore offers plenty of games for Americans. As mentioned, this site has a long history of servicing its US customers with respect, so just based on player traffic and reliability (the most important factors for Americans), Bookmaker is a top-3 US poker site.

For players outside of the US, here are the best sites.

They feature the common poker game variations like Texas Hold’em, Omaha, Omaha Hi/Lo and 7-Card Stud. They also have a decent amount of tournament action, so you’ll likely find a decent selection of games to play unless you’re into more obscure poker games only.

According to their website, Bookmaker Poker’s rake is at 5% (with a maximum rake cap of $3), and apparently this goes for all stakes (usually poker sites have different rake structures for different stakes). A 5% rake across the board is high, but there are only a limited amount of US-friendly poker rooms available, and all of the top US poker sites have high rake structures relative to poker sites only accepting players from outside of the U.S.

Customer Service

You can contact via phone (their sportsbook has a toll-free number for USA and Canada), e-mail or live chat.

But the real question you and I want an answer for is: is the customer service any good? Are they helpful? Are they friendly? Are they reliable?

I’ll go with “yes” to all of those questions.

Based on my experiences – and based on the impression I’ve gotten from online forums – Bookmaker’s customer support is helpful and does its best to help you, especially with deposits and cashouts (US customers often have problems with moving money to and from gambling sites).


Sports Bookmakers Online

Bookmaker is a top-5 recommendation for Americans. It’s rare to find gambling sites that accept US customersand have strong track records. In fact, it can be argued that has the strongest track record in the U.S., however, slow(ish) payouts, sharp lines and a $50 check payout fee lowers their grade.

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Sports Bookmaker

This review was made by: Rating: 4.3 out of 5